Thursday, April 07, 2022

Computerized, rolling DNA motors move molecular robotics to next level

Chemists integrated computer functions into rolling DNA-based motors, opening a new realm of possibilities for miniature, molecular robots. Nature Nanotechnology published the development, the first DNA-based motors that combine computational power with the ability to burn fuel and move in an intentional direction.


Amazon to fight union's win in NY labor election

Amazon told a federal agency it will file "substantial" objections to last week's worker election in New York that established the company's first union in the United States, according to a filing released Thursday.


On the way to climate-neutral road traffic in Switzerland

Road traffic is currently responsible for more than 30% of Switzerland's greenhouse gas emissions. Reducing these emissions is complex because the switch from fossil-based mobility to electricity-based mobility will only lead to substantial reduction in global GHG pollution if more renewable energy is integrated into the energy system at the same time.


A robot that can put a surgical gown on a supine mannequin

A pair of researchers working in the Personal Robotics Laboratory at Imperial College London has taught a robot to put a surgical gown on a supine mannequin. In their paper published in the journal Science Robotics, Fan Zhang and Yiannis Demiris described the approach they used to teach the robot to partially dress the mannequin. Júlia Borràs, with Institut de Robòtica i Informàtica Industrial, CSIC-UPC, has published a Focus piece in the same journal issue outlining the difficulties in getting robots to handle soft material and the work done by the researchers on this new effort.
